Legal Notice
Responsible for the content according to § 10 Abs. 3 MDStV: Sandra Bode
Red Raisins
Sandra Bode, Sebastian Hofmann
Börnsener Weg 101
21521 Wohltorf
We do not take any responsibility for the up-to-dateness, correctness or completeness of our information. Liability claims referring to any material or ideal damages resulting of the usage or not-usage of our contents, are excluded explicitly. We reserve the right to change, extend or delete parts of our websites or the complete offer without notification or even to cease the publication completely.
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We are not liable for any direct or indirect links to other websites. We do not have any influence on the current or future look, content or authorship of the linked sites. This statement refers to all links and references which can be found in our websites. Solely the provider of the sites we linked to is liable for illegal, inaccurate or incomplete contents or especially for damages arising from the usage of this information.
All content and media of our website are intellectual property and protected by copyright. The further use of our content in whatever form, even as excerpts, for external work or publications is prohibited without our express consent.

Picture Credits
Special thanks to Dana Geitner for providing many of the pictures used within our sites:
Terms of use
For inquiries regarding the further use of content from our website please use our contact form: